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28 mars 2022 à 8 avril 2022
Institut Pascal
Fuseau horaire Europe/Paris

The ISAPP school on "Astrophysical sources of cosmic rays" will be held at the Institut Pascal, within the Université Paris Saclay, France. The goal of the school is to offer a general overview on topics in high energy astrophysics related to cosmic rays, from observations to the modelling of high-energy particle sources. It will particularly focus on mult-messenger observations, at the dawn of the CTA era. The school is primarily aimed at PhD students working in this field, as well as young postdocs.

The scientific program consists of lectures including introductory pre-courses on particle physics and astrophysics. It will also include a few hands-on sessions, and some time will be dedicated to students research projects to be carried out in small groups.

Deadline for preregistration: February 1st 2022

Key topics:

  • Introductory courses in astrophysics, particle physics and statistics
  • Physics of high-energy showers
  • Radiation, acceleration, propagation mechanisms
  • Galactic sources
  • Extragalactic sources
  • Cosmic ray probes of fundamental physics
  • Cosmic ray and gamma-ray detections: ground and space-based
  • CTA + visit to CTA-related infrastructures at Paris-Saclay
  • Multi-messenger approach
  • Neutrinos: detectors and results
  • Gravitational waves: detectors and results
  • Hands-on sessions
  • Student research projects
  • Public lecture [TBD]

List of lecturers:

M. Ahlers (Niels Bohr Inst.), N. Besson (CEA Saclay), P. Blasi (GSSI), J. Bobin (CEA Saclay), H. Dole (IAS Orsay) [TBC], R. Engel (KIT), P. Ghia (IJCLab), W. Hofmann (MPIK Heidelberg), K. Kosack (CEA Saclay), K. Kotera (IAP), N. Leroy (IJCLab), E. Lindfors (Univ. Turku), G. Mention (CEA Saclay), E. de Oña Wilhelmi (CSIC), M. Santander (Univ. Alabama), P. Serpico (LAPTh), Ł. Stawarz (Jagielionian Univ.) [TBC], M. Tavani (INAF)


ISAPP is a network of over 30 European Institutions that organize Doctorate Schools on Astroparticle Physics for almost 20 years.

About Institut Pascal

The Institut Pascal is a recently-built facility, dedicated to hosting thematic programs across all of the scientific themes covered by the Paris-Saclay University.

Local Organizing Committee:

F. Acero, E. Armengaud, J. Biteau, F. Brun, J-F. Glicenstein, E. Moulin,  F. Schüssler, T. Stolarczyk, T. Suomijärvi (Université Paris-Saclay, CEA-IRFU & IJCLab)

Scientific Advisory Committee: ISAPP Steering Committee

Commence le
Finit le
Institut Pascal
Rue André Rivière 91400 Orsay